
Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can i remove a birthmark without going to the doctors?

please help
i shouldnt think you can, they are pretty permanent things. You could research some laser surgery, but i think you have to be referred by doctor 1st
thats difficult
I don't believe you can, since it would involve removing skin or the use of the correct kind of laser.
You cant and dont think of attempting to remove it yourself.What so wrong with doctors? They are there to help.Other is a private cosmetic clinic. Expensive.
good luck
you can't. dont mess wiht your skin wihtout a prescription from the doctor. it is difficult tor emove a birthmark without an operation. doctors have seen enverything don't worry just go and let them see it and you will have your mind at ease.
i accidently removed a birthmark from the end of my pinky finger with a cheese grater, it was purely accidental but effective.
Hope i have been some help to you
If it's a normal mark on your skin, try make-up (foundation %26 concealer) to hide it. Ask someone at a make-up counter to show you how to apply the make-up flawlessly. If it protrudes slightly from your skin, sorry, I think doctors would be a great help.
Go to medical school for 6 years, do a residency for 2 years then spend 7-10 years becoming a competent plastic surgeon, being sure to pick up the appropriate qualifications along the way.Alternative, find someone who has done this already, it may be quicker.
a brillo pad, and some diesel.
gets some ice on the brithmark to numb it leave the ice there for a while , get a knife chop it off simple! ... otherwise i wouldnt advise u to do that tho
Have you ever tried using Dermablend? It won't get rid of your birthmark but it should be able to cover it up so no one can see it. :-)

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