
Sunday, October 25, 2009

How accurate the result would be if I get tested for HIV after 6 weeks from exposure?

6 weeks after the exposure, the test comes back with negative is encouraging but not accurate. Accuracy is depending on how your body works with HIV virus. Some get to know the result in 6 weeks which antibodies released from your body and blood test shows but the medical studies make sure to wait 3months at least for the antibodies to show up. some antibodies don't show up until 6 months. Therefore they ask you to test 3-6 months after the last possible exposure. You can test viral loads etc though still not accurate yet. My advice and i am sure all the physicians will advise the same as me to get tested 3 months after the exposure and test again in 6 months. Do not worry too much while you are in window period. I have been through once. I did oral and ejaculated in my mouth, didn't swallow but irritated and got symptoms, got depressed, sick and lost weights. tested in 1 month, and 12 weeks after and got negative result. and then tested again in 4 months, and after 1 yr. still negative. I was in miserable situation and all are gone at once once i know i am negative 4 months after exposure. i somehow had a thought that my antibodies were delaying to show up but after all, i got all the hypochondria symptoms due to the worries.
It usually takes 90 days (3 months) before you get an accurate reading.
it usually takes about 6-12 months to show up in ur system but this day time with technology anything can happen
i would get retested in 6 months and this horrid disease can stay dormant for up to 7 years. keep getting tested. its for your peace of mind and your health. know your stats

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