Answer: You can help protect your vision and from high risk for glaucoma.I encourage you to have a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once every two years. Do take some supplements for your vision that contain vitamins and minerals such as the Rogisen.
Wear sun glasses, a lot of vitamin A..
According to doctors and encyclopedias on the internet, a lot of eye damage (especially to people with lighter eye-color) is caused by UV radiation. So you should probably put sunscreen on your eyes, I guess.
dont look at dirty pictures
Polarized sunglasses. Regular sun glasses will not protect and may allow the pupils to dilate and allow even more retinal damage by sunllight.
Please use sunshades that will protect your eyes in bright sunlight. I use them when its not sunny. Take vitamins and eat right. Plenty of veggies and fruits. I have bad eyes and protect them. Better now than to use a cane when you go blind.I would be up a creek and couldnt see to answer questions here.
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