My mum's blood pressure is quite high. She is on medication for this but it is still too high. She doesnt smoke, only drinks an occasional glass of wine and generally eats a healthy diet . She is in her 70's and is very active for her age although her hip is starting to bother her now so she cant walk as far as she used to. What can help her with this problem? Any dietary tips?
My partner has high blood pressure and I have read that a glass of tomato juice every day will help lower blood pressure.
I would also suggest having porridge for breakfast, eating bananas, taking a vit C supplement and if exercise is becoming difficult she should consider taking up meditation and learn some slow breathing exercises. Best of luck
she should cut out as much salt as possible it should go down then
You should get medical help . Cause as I can see it is not related with diet . I mean diet helps a lot keep on diet but your mother should take some Bp lowering drugs . Take care
I hope she would be better.
has alot to do with stress and how one handles it
I think may be your mother should try alternative medicine.My grandmother has blood pressure and diabetes and cancer in her liver. She felt davastated than she went to Dubai . after she start alternative medicine she is now much better unless she can walk and have long chat.
oh dear plz take help of Indian yoga, like "pranayam" plz u r mom fell better in 1 monthu can search on google or yahooif u know Hindi or Marathi Indian language then i can tell u morebut if u don't know u can take help from Internet
u r mom need "kapalbhati "and "anulom wilom" pranayam [breath therapy]
swami ramdev baba's books on that in English plz it guaranteed and do that
and don't worry take care
my id is
Make ECG and all clinical LAB Tests including Cholestrol,Creatanine,uric acid,Blood urea,Sugar,RBS(Random blood Sugar),FBS(Fasting Blood Sugar),..... Due 2 Old age she had to take 1 tablet pf Calcium(Every Day).... After the results one can suggest any Diet sheduel...If every thing is normal....then 2 tablets of anti Hypertensive Drugs will be suggested... Hope every thing will be fine!
1) Less or no salt
2) No alcohol
3) Lots of vitamins
4)Calcium is debatable( it reduces the osteoarthritis but may increase the blood pressure)
5) Reduce fat intake
6)Lots of vegetables
I hope this helps.
Check out the the following website
A detailed account from the Mayo Clinic in the USA on the
causes of high blood pressure, high blood pressure medication, high blood pressure diet and high blood pressure symptoms. There are also some useful links to lifestyle changes .
Found from a Google search:-
{high "blood pressure" medical ]
This advocates a low sodium diet ( cut down on salt), exercise, reduce stress etc which should help.
Exercise can be difficult with painful hips so she might get some advice from her Doctor, and maybe see a physiotherapist to help with the right type of exercise.
Fresh foods help to deduce excess salt, and the recommended 5 vegetable and fruits a day are ideal.
Best wishes.
I have high blood pressure also. Now taking medication for it. Stress is the most common cause, nothing to do with diet or smoking. Also there are medications out there that will cause it to raise. Check with Dr. Mine has been 188/100 196/100 188/120 all this week.
down to 150/80. a good range for Woman is 130 or lower over 70/ 80.
OK as a Cardiac nurse i would say. Her Doctor should refer her to a cardiologist. Have her carotids checked for blockage. Also Maybe by chance she would need a stress test to see if she has heart blockage as well. Complete cardiac or stroke protocol work up.
I would get another doctor to diagnose your mother as she may be better off changing her medication. I would recommend cutting out caffeine, salt and processed food as much as possible. Eat mostly fresh fruit and vegetables and lean meat, like fish and less red meat. I would also suggest light exercise as this can lower blood pressure. Hope this helps and that your mother gets better!
what medication is she taking?
beta blockers?-antihypertensive drugs....if she is, the dosage should be increased....if she still has high bp the gp shld now...there are other tablets that could lower bp, a combination of it just her hip bothering her? or is she getting short of breath with short walking distance? has she got swollen legs?(edema)if your mum is overweight- she slhd loose weight...reduce salt intake, -processed fd, bacons crisps, salty fd wrap it up, better check with her GP and express your concerns, also have her cholesterol check....
Try garlic tablets helped me
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