I get the odd flare up and it drives me crazy!
This site had some excellent suggestions,plus a skincare system which has proven very effective,
I tyed in acne rosacea (with correct spelling) for all results or you can just type in rosacea or acne.http://www.whatreallyworks.co.uk/start/s...I've found a few articles which are relevant:
See a dermatologist. He or she will prescribe medicine for your skin.
With combat boots, army fatigues, and a flame thrower.
wash your face with cold water first thing in the morning, every morning.
You need antibiotic therapy to keep it under control. This is something you will have to take for the rest of your life.
Please see a dermatologist, who can prescribe proper medicine for this condition.
Ask your doctor about a new drug from a Canadian company called Isotechnica that is presently making a drung called isotechnica 247 that assists in clearing up this problem. It is a very effective but new drug but has had very encouraging results with psoriasis and rosecrea problems. Good luck.
I use AcneFree, it's like Proactive and it helps alot. I also use a moisturizer that evens out skin tone. You just have to be very strict on using the face wash 2 x per day. I saw results in like 3 days and it doesn't dry my face out too much. Hope this helps.
There are certain dietary restrictions you should try. Certain foods and drinks can make rosecea flair up. Your Dr. will have a list of these foods.Also, there are creams that do a very good job when applied locally that can be obtained by prescription (Metrogel).
My mother and grandfather have this condition (which means chances are I will suffer from it one day) and they use a very mild steroid cream prescribed by the doctor when it flares up, otherwise they take one tablet a day which dramatically reduces how often it acts up (again these tablets came from the doctor).
I recommend you buy some vitamin E capsules, break open the capsules and apply the vitamin E to the affected area it always works on cold sores etc.And pure vitamine E is very good for your skin anyway.
Mine has stayed away since i started using this skin care range http://www.rosacea-remedy.com/remedy.htm...That sea buckthornoil is just amazing stuff for all sorts of skin conditions. I love it :P
I had this when I was a teen.
None of the meds given to me worked.
My cousin is a beauty therapist and told me something to try which I did and found it worked!!!!Never use soap on your face
3 times a day get a flannel and run it under the hot tap, get it as hot as you can bare, rinse it out and apply it to your face. Do this 5 times.Then put the flannel under the cold tap, rinse and apply to your face. Do this 5 times as well.It was explained that when you put the hot flannel on the heat opens up all the pores and and gets all the muck out of them. Then the cold will close them up all clean.I did this for one month and my face completely cleared up although I noticed a difference after three days. Even now if I my face begins to flare up I will do the above and it stops it in it's tracks.Good Luck !!!!
I havent been diagnosed with it but i think i have acne rosacea too, and one thing that worked dramatically was this acne diet.http://www.freeacnebook.com/samplediet.h...i didnt follow the rules too strictly, i still ate little things like some carbs but i cut out all the junk food and unhealthy drinks in my diet and noticed a huge difference. My skin is still a little red, but the acne is gone. Also i dont use any harsh soaps or moisturizers anymore, cept sunblock. I also just started drinking lots of water. It does help! You might need a special ointment from a doctor/dermatoligist for the redness however!also, the answer somebody gave about using hot and cold rags can be a good solution however if you have red skin already this will make it 10x worse! i would not suggest anyone with rosacea doing this, ive tried it and my face stayed red for weeks afterwards, it was too harsh on my skin.
Although it may sound silly, Arbonne's Baby Care line is perfect for people with extremely sensitive skin. They have a body wash, lotion, and body oil that are botanically-based and pH correct, dermatologist tested, non-sensitizing, non-irritating, and formulated without nut oils. They're formulated with shea butter which is a unique botanical that soothes, moisturizes and protects skin. With its key components of vitamin A and E, all types of skin (including sensitive) can benefit from shea butter鈥檚 supreme, conditioning effects. Its non-toxic makeup and skin-tolerable trait make it ideal for use on sensitive skin. If you're open to trying a free sample, I'll be happy to help you. It's best to try a product to ensure that it works for you before spending your money. Good luck!
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