Hey,My boyfriend just told me that he had strep throat today and I recently just got back from visiting him. I thought that he had the flu but I still kissed him but it wasnt a open mouth kiss. Is there any way I can prevent from getting the virus????Thank you,
Crazy Gina
Take antibiotics. Your doctor can prescribe an antibiotic to prevent you for getting strep throat.
dont kiss him princess
Strep is actually a bacterial infection, not a virus. If the bacteria are already in your mouth and nose (as they likely are if you kissed) then there is a good chance you will get sick in a few days. To prevent the spread you should avoid kissing, wash your hands freuquently, and try not to put your hands anywhere near your mouth, nose and eyes (and if you do, thern wash them again.)
Probably not, but you can take vitamin C daily to help boost your immune system. Also drink lots of fluids and get a good nights sleep to help keep your body running at it's optimum. Strep throat actaully isn't that bad of a disease and its caused by a bacteria not a virus. this means it can be cured with antibiotics, and the symptoms can be gone in as lil as a day after starting them (tho take them the entire set amount of days the doc tells you to or the lil buggers build a resistance and you get your strep throat back with a vengence!) Good luck! hope this helps.
It's quite likely you won't catch it anyways! Strep is a bacteria that is often found in people in small amounts without causing infection. Lots of people who have strep throat somehow never spread it to anyone, even if they kiss them while infected, and some people just never seem to get strep throat no matter what...So just wait and see. If you start getting symptoms at least you'll know what it is right away so you can get to a doctor quickly, and you won't have to suffer with it for very long like your boyfriend probably did!
It isn't a virus - it is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes or Group A Beta-hemolytic Strep.
There isn't anything you can do now. Was he on antibiotics when you saw him last? If you get a sore throat, fever and white spots on the back of your throat - go see a dr. and get tested. There is a chance you won't get sick.Good luck!
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