
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can I treat the stretch marks I have ???

I'm not a fat person I'm only 110 pounds I have stretch marks on my bottom
Try Cocoa Butter or a cream made to remove it like this one
Use coco butter, trust me I'm studying health occupations, the coco butter has nutrients that will get rid of those stretch marks.
Try rennaisance body cream...I heard it works well. Otherwise, "Scar Away" and Shea butters are good. Also, avoid hot baths and rubbing alcohol on the afflicted are.
Cocoa butter. Put it on at least twice a day. You have to keep up with it. That's what I use.
shea buter, coco butter, aloe vera, vitamin E
Shea butter lotion, cocoa butter lotion...any thing that has a natural and deep moisturizing quality. They will never go away completely but you can slightly minimize the look of the stretch marks.
My daughter got them because she grew alot (she is thin too)...but the skin couldn't take the rate of growth. She feels so embarrassed...but it is a fact of life and happens to be a lot more common.
Gottta love hormones!
you would not believe how easy it is to get rid of them my mother in law she is very old now told me how to get rid of them i didnt beleive her until i did it and i was amazed i had them in my lower back and sides after the birth of my children. and they are gone completely i didnt do around my belly button cuz my husband couldnt stand the smell and just told me he didnt care just leave the marks there so i did.
any kind of cocoa butter lotions and if you go to a new baby store they have lots of stretch mark reducing creams.
Vitamin E oil or cream can be applied to the skin in the affected areas, every day . The cream should be applied overnight. Taking Vitamin E capsules also helps to reduce the scars or stretch marks. You can find more cheap and natural remedies for stretch marks at the link below.

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