
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can naturotherapy cure cancer?

There is no cure for cancer. Be suspicous of any treatment that makes wild claims that cannot provide documented scientific evidence for proof. There may be a place in healing for complementary medicine, but at the moment the failure of many of these alternatives to document evidence should make anyone suspicious. There are some legitimate researchers investigating claims but they are mostly in the early stages. The only treatment for the majority of cancers is by tradional means. We know it can work, we know the safety levels and associated risks, and we know that some people respond and some people don't with. We know the risks. The good, bad, and ugly of tradional medicine is there in all scientific literature for anyone to read.
i dont believe it actually can.
It is unfortunate, but there are no natural substances out there that can cure cancer at this time. Cancer is, simply put, an uncontrolled cell growth. There is nothing except for agressive drug therapy, and radiation treatments that can stop this growth from occuring.If you or a loved one have been recently diagnosed, please dont wait and hold out for a "natural" cure. The longer you wait the more of a risk you have of seeing this cancer metastasize or get out of control. Time is absolutley essential when dealing with cancer.
look the Dr find out the cure for cancer but on sudden stages it does not get cure
There is no cure for cancer... even in allopathic medical science... being one in naturopathy or yoga...? Question doesn鈥檛 arise...
the method of treatment in alternative medicine i.e. ayurveda have 3 basic principal: 1. Nidana Parivarjana - the avoidence of causative factor. 2. Prakati Vighata - developement of unfavorbal condition for dividing / multiplying cells in body. and killing the cell 3. Apakarshana - removing the dead or wrankage of cell out of the body. for these purpose a number of process require i.e. kshara, agnikarma, surgery, panchakarma, medicated fastingh. you may see some details basic principle of cancer treatment at
Naturopathy will not cure cancer, unfortunately you will find naturopaths who would like to differ.
They have vested interestsLike the one above "Dr Sanjay S", he is shamelessly advertising his website

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