Answer: 鈥ee a therapist who practices Acupuncture and Neurostructural Therapy (NST or Bowen Therapy). I recommend both therapies for reducing stiffness and pain.
鈥egular exercise, no matter how little, is vital. Pilates is great and Alexander Technique helps to relieve unnecessary tension in the muscles.
鈥 calcium supplement taken at bedtime helps relax muscles and aid sleep.
鈥 have been taking Cymbalta for fibromyalgia for a couple of months. It has really helped me.
鈥hat health girl from suffered fybromyalgia for years. She has got information that worked for me. "It's all about changing your life style, girlfriend." First, go organic and make it fresh! Third, don't save it for later- eat it now, toss it or freeze it.
鈥 small dose of amytriptiline at bedtime has helped me quite a bit, but the thing that has decreased my pain more than anything is a treatment called intramuscular stimulation. It uses acupuncture needles, but is not acupunture.
Medication, meditation, and a strong will.
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