Answer: Keep the cat indoors. Your wife is probably allergic to the pollen inyour cat's coat.
You brush the cat yourself, away from your wife.
Your wife can see her doctor about injections that desensitize her to cat dander.
Good luck!!!
have your wife go see a doctor and get on medication
It all depends on how allergic she is. My allergies are rather uncomfortable but not dangerous. When I need to be around cats for an extended period of time, I take antihistamines for a couple or three weeks and then gradually wean myself off them, building up a resistance to being around the cats. If your wife is dangerously allergic, talk to a doctor before trying anything like that. If her allergies aren't dangerous, she may want to give it a try.Another thing I do is brush the cats well and often. If the loose hair is ending up in the trash, it can't bother me.
You can keep the cat outside, shave it, or let it have it's own room.(Our house has three bedrooms, so the cat has her own.)
Take baby wipes and make her wipe it over her face. thats right, baby wipes temeperalory stops the allergic reactions. Trust me.
Get rid of the cat.
With allergy meds!!
Unless you want your wife to be on medication that will eventually have side effects, they can't. Sorry. I've been in this situation before. Keeping the cat indoors could kill her if she has a severe allergy. Otherwise, if it is just uncomfortable, get her to take a vitamin C supplement with high dose quercetin. (I usually take 600mg quercetin if I have been anywhere that a cat has been. It usually starts to work in around 20 mins).That said, for some reason I don't react to my cat and I've only had him 10 months and he's 7 years maybe she'll adjust.Vaccuum regularly, don't let the cat sleep with you, keep windows open to ventilate, buy an air purifier.
they can't - I'm allergic to cats and my throat almost swelled up and I couldn't breath so if you want to keep your wife - get rid of the cat or if you don't want to keep your wife - you know what you can do. Never mess around with allergies - they can be fatal.
Allergies are the bodies over reaction to what it thinks is an infection. when one takes allergy injections, they are really taking a very diluted dose of the very thing that gives them allergies, over time, this tells the body that what it thinks is an infection is actually just pollen. Eventually over a long term exposure to the cat your wife immune system may actually get used to the cat and no longer give her a problem... but always be on the look out for the opposite effect to happen which is never good. Check out the link below for some suggestions on how to live with the cat and actions you can take to reduce her exposure.
IF your wife wants to live with the cat I once knew of an acupuncturist that would treat for an allergy to a specific cat. You could look into it. I am personally allergic to cats and have not tried it. Personally, I don't think cats are worth it! : P
It depends on how severe her allergy is. My aunt is so allergic that even smelling my clothes after I've been around my cat will give her an allergic reaction. I live with my cat, which i keep indoors, and i take to prescription pills everyday and prescription eye drops, and i don't even notice that I'm allergic. She made not need this much, because i also have 3 dogs which I'm also allergic to. She could also try getting an allergy test, the slower the bubble on her arms goes up, the less she is affected by the cats. When i got mine, my went up very slowly and then went back. Vacuuming everyday, brushing the cat a lot, and giving it bath (the cats get use to it after about 2-3 times) will also help.
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