
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How can you tell the difference between a cold sore and dry cracked lips?

does it matter?
treat each lip as if it is infected and then you will always be safe.
When you've had them both...
And if your rich a s s is not satisfied with our answers, look for it yourself...The answers are all at your fingertips
If you had dry cracked lips, I'd offer you my chap stick.
cold sore is round and red, cracked lips are lines and usually all over.
Cold sore or Herpes Simples Virus looks like a blister and it throbs and takes a long to me to go away .
Cracked lips are flaky peely and hurt all over.
a cold sore is a red, raised, distinguished bump around the lip area..or on the lip. Chapped/cracked lips are not usually raised or bumpy. Check out
well if YOUR the one with the coldsore/chapped lips, rub your finger accross your lip, your lip will feel weird when its rubbed if you have a coldsore.
A cold sore isn't on your lips.The sores typically appear right on the lip line or just outside of your lips. It wont look like a zit or turn white. You'll know it when you see it.
What are cold sores?
Cold sores, sometimes called fever blisters, are clusters of small blisters on the lip and outer edge of the mouth. The skin around the blisters is often red and inflamed. The blisters can break open, weep a clear fluid, and then scab over after a few days. Complete healing may take 7 to 10 days.
A cold sore is a fever blister that one usually gets when there is inner fever in the body (you don't have to have a temperature to get a cold sore). Dry cracked lips are chapped lips, they LOOK cracked. A cold sore is often in a corner of the mouth or on the bottom lip.
a cold sore feels sort of tingly at first.
dry cracked lips hurt and burn.

How can you tell if you're dehydrated?

I've had diarrhea, or however you spell it, for about 5 days now, and I haven't really been eating or drinking much of anything, so how do I know if I'm dehydrated or not? I need to know what to drink and eat to help me get over it, but I've tried almost everything.
All of the answers so far are symptoms that occur with dehydration. The real answer is if you are urinating.... YOU will not if you are dehydrated. So the question is how much have you urinated during the last 24 hours. The other symptoms are correct.... you may have dry muccous membranes... eyes, nose mouth... you may have reduced skin turgor etc... sockets of eyes may appear suken in. but the main issue is if you are producing urine.... and how much.... i would suggest going and getting IV fluids you will feel better overall and you can die from dehydration
have cracked lips
You are thirsty more than usual
Have dry throat
cracking skin
Blurry eyesight
having diarhhea one time is enough to say you are dehydrated soAlright to pretty much take away dehydration drink gatorade or a lot of friggin water until you piss out clear white urine
Sounds like you definitely need some fluids. Can you pinch the skin on your arm, and does it stay straight up for a second, stays pinched together, that can tell you if your dehydrated, your skin should stay flexible. Try drinking some gingerale. It usually stays down and the ginger and carbonation helps ease the stomach. You might want to see the doctor, just in case. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
Pull your skin up on your arm and if snaps back fast then your hydratedif it doesnt you are getting dehydrated and you need to drink as much liquid down as possible. Try gingerale. Its the best thing for your stomach at this time. Go on the brats diet for a couple days. bananas, toast, Saltines.
My husband drinks that pedialyte that they have for kids. It's supposed to be like replacing all the fluids your body has lost but in additon gives you vitamins and minerals that you need when you aren't eating or keeping anything down.

How can you tell if your child has diabetes?

Syptoms of diabetes include:Frequent urination
Excessive thirst
Extreme hunger
Unusual weight loss
Increased fatigue
Blurry vision (from, website of the American Diabetes Association)If you have one or more of these symptoms, or are concerned that you might have diabetes, you should see your doctor, who can perform bloodwork to determine if you do. Take your hild to the doctor if you are at all concerned about this or have any suspicions at all. The doctor can perform a Glucose Tolerance TEst and a blood glucose test and/or Hemoglobin A1c, to determine if he/she has diabetes, and what treatment should be started. Good Luck!
My mother got suspicious when I would take large cups (32 oz) of water to bed with me (when I was only 7). I would then sleepwalk at night trying to find the bathroom. Your child may also be lethargic and irritable.Those are the main symptoms -but not the only ones.
If you truly suspect diabetes - take your child to the doctor immediately. Even if it isn't diabetes, it could be something else that causes other major problems - such as your child becoming dehydrated.
You really need to see a doctor to have this properly diagnosed.
If you notice that your child is drinking large amounts of liquids and urinating more than usual and extremely thirsty and tired you should make sure he/she is tested for diabetes. Good luck.
From a A1C Blood test
If parents has diabetes, you should aware that your child might get it too..

How can you tell if you have a blood clot in your brain?

I would liek to the know the symptoms if any please. This would be of much help. Thank you!
If it's partially occluding blood flow you will feel confusion, slower than usual thinking, there may be personality changes, headaches that comne %26 go, mild paralysis, brief episodes of extensive paralysis, transitory difficulty speaking (dysphasia), seizures and if it's a full occlusion, stroke.
I believe that a blod clot in the brain is a Stroke. So if you do a Google search on strokes you should find your answer.
You will not need to will tell you. Death would be a symptom. (before that any symptoms would be brief and need attending to immediately)
a high blood pressure, major problems with vision, terrible headaches, nausea and vomiting-of course being pg can cause these symptoms also, as can 100 other diseases. If you have chronic headaches or migraines take Feverfew every day, it is a herb you can get at the health food store. and it will cure your headaches
There is different symptoms . If you have a moving clot, this is a stroke, you could have dizziness, pain, blurred vision, problems with moving feet, or controlling arms and hands, a ct scan of brain would be helpful. But unless diagnosed with this, don`t worry with it, cause it could be something else, check with your doctor. Nausea and vomiting also can occur. God Bless !
As another person stated, look up Stroke on the internet for symptoms. Could be headache, numbness in limbs or limbs on one side, blurred vision, confusion, difficulty speaking or forming words. An MRI would be done at the hospital, and/or a spinal tap to be sure.
I put this together using software I developed... hope it helps!Click this Link!
There are 2 types of"hematomas" in the brain,1= within the brain itself,or 2= between the brain and skull.They are caused by trauma or stroke or a spontaneous rupture of a blood vessel deep inside the brain. A person would have multiple symptoms including,loss of consciousness,fall into a "coma",become paralyzed on one side of the body,experience breathing problems,altered mental status,confusion, and memory loss,especially in the elderly,some would complain of a blinding headache,uneven and slow reacting pupils.CT scans will usually confirm the diagnosis,depending on the severity,surgery to relieve clot and pressure on the brain etc.Take care. SW RNP
The lights go out.

How can you tell if a mole is cancer?

the only way to know for sure is to have the mole biospied. but here are some things to look for(it's called the ABCD rule):Asymmetry-nonsymetrical or uneven in shape
Border-notched, uneven borders
Color-different shades of black,brown, tan
Diameter-usually greater than 6mmother things to look for are a change in any of the following:
color, surface, texture, sensation, and surrounding skin.again the only way to know for sure is to have a biopsy.
If it gets bigger and/or darker.
go to the docter
the only sure way is have it removed and biopsied.
Suspicious moles will noticeably change in size and or color, will often be asymetric
you really need to go to the dr to find out for sure
A few ways to tell if a mole is cancer or if it should be looked at by a doctor are,
- if it is bigger that an eraser on a pencil
- if it is more than one color
- if it is not symmetrical

How can you tell if a cough is due to lung congestion or just sinus drainage?

I've been sick since the third week of January. I had bronchitis, but got over that. I've had two sinus infections, double conjunctivitis, nausea, and double ear infections since.

I got better from the first sinus infection, but this second one is lingering and I keep adding symptoms, like the conjunctivitis.Today, I really started coughing again. I think it's from my lungs, but I don't want to go to the doctor and have them tell me it's just drainage. How can you tell the difference?
I can only say that I'd much rather go to the doctor and have him tell me it's just sinus drainage rather than lung congestion than to sit around and drown in my own fluids because I was scared. You can tell by the "depth" of your cough. The deeper the cough, the more fluids you are fighting, which usually comes from the chest. Sinus drainage will give you a quick, sudden cough with short duration and much shallower. But, if you can't "relate" to my words, go have a doctor tell you one way or the other. After a few events such as this one and you'll become more of an "expert" with your body's response to fluids in the wrong part of your body, and you won't need a doctor so frequently. God Bless you.
well sinus drip, your bring up mucus, also when you lay down you may feel it dripping down the back of your throat..if it is from your lungs your chest will hurt, and possibly your ribs..and you will feel the cough down much lower than you would with sinus drip..try taking a benadryl, if you get temporary relief then you know it's sinuses
If you can hear yourself wheezing a little bit it's probably from chest congestion. My guess is it probably is a little bit of chest congestion if your head's been draining for a while. Try taking a decongestant to clear everything up and try to take care of the drainage. Hope you get better soon!
Have someone listen to your chest and see if they hear only air in and out of if they hear a "junky" or "wet" sound. And is the cough dry or productive. I f you cough up colored phlegm then play it safe and see a doc.

How can you tell if a cough is due to lung congestion or just sinus drainage?

I've been sick since the third week of January. I had bronchitis, but got over that. I've had two sinus infections, double conjunctivitis, nausea, and double ear infections since.

I got better from the first sinus infection, but this second one is lingering and I keep adding symptoms, like the conjunctivitis.Today, I really started coughing again. I think it's from my lungs, but I don't want to go to the doctor and have them tell me it's just drainage. How can you tell the difference?
I can only say that I'd much rather go to the doctor and have him tell me it's just sinus drainage rather than lung congestion than to sit around and drown in my own fluids because I was scared. You can tell by the "depth" of your cough. The deeper the cough, the more fluids you are fighting, which usually comes from the chest. Sinus drainage will give you a quick, sudden cough with short duration and much shallower. But, if you can't "relate" to my words, go have a doctor tell you one way or the other. After a few events such as this one and you'll become more of an "expert" with your body's response to fluids in the wrong part of your body, and you won't need a doctor so frequently. God Bless you.
well sinus drip, your bring up mucus, also when you lay down you may feel it dripping down the back of your throat..if it is from your lungs your chest will hurt, and possibly your ribs..and you will feel the cough down much lower than you would with sinus drip..try taking a benadryl, if you get temporary relief then you know it's sinuses
If you can hear yourself wheezing a little bit it's probably from chest congestion. My guess is it probably is a little bit of chest congestion if your head's been draining for a while. Try taking a decongestant to clear everything up and try to take care of the drainage. Hope you get better soon!
Have someone listen to your chest and see if they hear only air in and out of if they hear a "junky" or "wet" sound. And is the cough dry or productive. I f you cough up colored phlegm then play it safe and see a doc.

How can you prevent strep throat????????????

Hey,My boyfriend just told me that he had strep throat today and I recently just got back from visiting him. I thought that he had the flu but I still kissed him but it wasnt a open mouth kiss. Is there any way I can prevent from getting the virus????Thank you,
Crazy Gina
Take antibiotics. Your doctor can prescribe an antibiotic to prevent you for getting strep throat.
dont kiss him princess
Strep is actually a bacterial infection, not a virus. If the bacteria are already in your mouth and nose (as they likely are if you kissed) then there is a good chance you will get sick in a few days. To prevent the spread you should avoid kissing, wash your hands freuquently, and try not to put your hands anywhere near your mouth, nose and eyes (and if you do, thern wash them again.)
Probably not, but you can take vitamin C daily to help boost your immune system. Also drink lots of fluids and get a good nights sleep to help keep your body running at it's optimum. Strep throat actaully isn't that bad of a disease and its caused by a bacteria not a virus. this means it can be cured with antibiotics, and the symptoms can be gone in as lil as a day after starting them (tho take them the entire set amount of days the doc tells you to or the lil buggers build a resistance and you get your strep throat back with a vengence!) Good luck! hope this helps.
It's quite likely you won't catch it anyways! Strep is a bacteria that is often found in people in small amounts without causing infection. Lots of people who have strep throat somehow never spread it to anyone, even if they kiss them while infected, and some people just never seem to get strep throat no matter what...So just wait and see. If you start getting symptoms at least you'll know what it is right away so you can get to a doctor quickly, and you won't have to suffer with it for very long like your boyfriend probably did!
It isn't a virus - it is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes or Group A Beta-hemolytic Strep.
There isn't anything you can do now. Was he on antibiotics when you saw him last? If you get a sore throat, fever and white spots on the back of your throat - go see a dr. and get tested. There is a chance you won't get sick.Good luck!

How can you prevent leukemia?

Five hundred years ago, people said the world was flat. Today, people say that if the FDA and AMA haven't blessed something, it can't be real good. Well, here's something I know to be real AND good. It's a little different take on cancer treatment--In 1990, I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma, stage 3-B, but I've survived. My doctors were great people, but they were limited to surgery, chemo and radiation by profitable AMA treatment policy. During the year in treatment, I started learning about alternative medicine. I'm a retired engineer, and this is what I've pieced together--our IMMUNE SYSTEMS become weakened by poor nutrition, lack of exercise and reduced oxygen. Once that happens, our body becomes vulnerable to common STRESSORS. Stressors can be environmental, like viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, food additives, electromagnetic waves or pollution. They can be internal things like emotional or job stress, or poisonous people in our lives. Aging is also a contributing factor. So this means: WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM + STRESSORS = DISEASE (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) Our bodies have 60 trillion--yes, trillion--cells, and there are always some mutating into cancer cells, but a healthy immune system kills them before they have a chance to get a foothold in the body.

It takes a LONG time, usually, or a high level of stressors, to weaken the immune system to the point where it won't do its job, but once cancer has formed, it will generally spread rapidly.THIS IS IMPORTANT! There are ways to BEAT cancer that are currently being used in Europe and around the world, and there are some great books on the subject. I know because I've read about 50 of them from cover to cover. Here's a list of the best ones. Some are out of print and getting hard to find--"The Cure for All Cancers", ISBN 0963632825
"The Cure for All Advanced Cancers", ISBN 1890035165
"A Cancer Therapy", ISBN 0882681052
"Oxygen Therapies", ISBN 0962052701
"Hydrogen Peroxide--Medical Miracle", ISBN 1885236077
"The Natural Cure for Cancer--Germanium", ISBN 0533071410
"Killing Cancer", ISBN 0705000966
"Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About", ISBN 0975599518I know of people whose cancer has 'spontaneously remitted' (WENT AWAY for no known reason) AFTER they went on programs of herbs and nutrition to restart their immune systems. You and your family must look out for yourselves to stand a chance of being healthy. This is not a joke, and I'm not selling anything--just trying to help.
I am using the things I learned in those books right now to fight off a second infestation of cancer. I've been at it for over a year now, and think I'm going to make it. Use what works for you, and pass on your success. Best of luck.AMA AND FDA--
The American Medical Association (AMA) and the pharmaceutical companies control medical law and the FDA in this country with heavy lobbying and a revolving door policy. WHY would they want to do this? It's about the money. In 2006, medicine (doctors, hospitals, researchers and pharmaceutical firms) received 2.1 TRILLION dollars--15% of the total earnings (GNP 13.7 trillion) in the U.S. This is astounding! It means MILLIONS of people worked the whole year just to pay the nation's medical expenses!! That's totally astounding, and just too big to care about individuals.
Cancer is not like a cold, which means there is no prevention, per say. Cancer can be a genetic thing, passed on from your parents and their generations, or you could be exposed to certain things like radiation poisoning or nuclear poisoning or things like that. Some people even say that power lines can cause leukemia. Also if you have had another Cancer already, and taken Chemo - some forms of Chemotherapy can cause Leukemia several years down the road. Hope this helps.
You cannot totally prevent leukemia or any cancer. However, there are known carcinogens linked to leukemia, which you can limit exposure to. These include benzene, formaldehyde, dioxin, styrenes, butadienes and, ethylene oxides. In addition, radiation may contribute to leukemia.
eat healthy
I don't know about prevention.
Here is the best info:
Best wishes

How can you nose be runny and stopped up at the same time? my friend is having difficulties and wants to know?

she blows it and nothing comes out also..i dont know whats wrong with her
Allergies are probably the reason. Although if you are constantly out in dry wind or sleeping with a fan blowing directly on you, that will cause it. Anything that irritates the lining of the nose, it could be a virus or dust or just really dried out mucus membranes. The stopped up feeling is that the membranes have swelled and don't allow much air to go through.
she probably has this flu thats been going around. i had that problam for a while my nose was stoped up but it kept running. its casue ur nose is makeing more snot that it can get rid of so its stoped up... tell her to go visit the doctor
ur sinus' are located above ur nose next to ur eyes so it gets clogged closer to ur forehead and if u have a slow drain then thats how that happens, the best thing for that(other than antihistamine) would b a hot shower to open up the sinus' and massage your sinus' like i said they r on both sides of the top of ur noce right next to ur eyes rub upward and outward and that will help to unclog them, its 'reflexology' google it for more info
it sounds like your friend has either a cold or sinus problems. if it is a cold dose your friend up with honey, lemon and an asprin or similar crushed into the glass add warm water ,rest as much as they can for a few days. if it is sinus problems you need a visit to your doctor.
Can be runny for allergy reasons..Also it can be stopped up for sinusitis...Makes you sound like your talkin out your nose and have a cold....Try a ocean spray from the drug store its pretty good...

How can you make yourself get a fever?

Not a high fever but like 100degrees or something.
just dip thermometer in cup of hot water for few seconds..
have a really long hot shower
first of all.
seek professional help--NOW!
get a sick person to sneeze on you.
Lick the pavement under your feet; better if you go to a public bathroom and lick the tiles.
lol!! you trying to get out of school or something? Fever means infection in your body - so unless you can gather up an ifection real quick, you arent going to have a fever any time soon.
get the flu....
Take a long hard look at Brad Pitt....
by going to school
You can't.
Expose yourself to someone with one
you can lick playground equipment lol!
stress mostly. and a combo of some others things like lack of good nutrition, sleep, exercise, etc. The natural remedies always prove best in all preventative methods.
take a really hot shower for more than 15 minutes
Girl, you need to hit life head-on. You asked this yesterday. Ask something different for a change. Take a chance. We know you can do it.
why wouldu want to do that
ok, y wud u want to give urself a fever?
anyways, u can get urself sick. cuz a fever is a sign tht ur body is fighting off bad germs or bacteria. so u can get bacteria in ur system.
well, i guess tht all ive got
from, pixie
If you go to sleep with wet socks you will get a fever. But WHY by any means would you want a fever? You shouldn't ever try to give yourself a fever.
get in a hot tub and run around in the cold feel like you have a fever but you feel fine on the inside
i dont know but to trick a thermometer put it next to a flashlight for 1 minute and it will show up like 100 degrees
kiss someone who does, and if you want one, you have problems.
Just eat a raw chicken. That will give you a fever...but youll have to contend with the poop's too!!
First have a real hot bath, then stand infront of the air-conditioner not wearing T-shirt or any form of clothes...then repeat this will sure get a high temperature and get illness...anyway...100 degrees isn't possible...your brain will just....melt?
Drink some hot tea, take a hot shower, get a hot water bottles and stick them all over so you get a fever.... Also, eat some jalape帽os... Now THEY'LL give you a fever...
well, you can get close to someone who is sick, or go for a tan, but not long if you've never been, just enough to feel all hot and red a bit, your body will feel on fire!!!!!!!!!P.S. Don't overdue it XXX
Dip a thermometer in hot water and put a blow dryer to your forehead and face or a heating pad if you have one.. ( thats quieter) Good luck getting out of whatever it is your trying to get out of..!!
well there alwasy the old trick where right before that take your temperature you gulp down some hot water. I don't really know much other things.
Sorry but hope that helps!
A fever .Why?I have a bad cold with one and it's not that enjoyable.If you hang out with someone that is sick.There's a good possibility of getting one.But controlling how high.Not.
taking long hot showers doesn't work. u'll just sweat out the heat or pee. that's how ur body keeps cool. only way is to get sick so ur body heats itself to "cook" the virus.
y u wanna get a fever any way. just study 4 that test or what ever ur avoiding
...are you trying to miss the CRTs or something? Because thats not a good idea.

How can you lower cholesterol numbers when a low fat, low cholesterol diet and aerobic exercise don't work?

I would like answers that don't include prescription drugs.
Ive had some success with garlic tablets:) garlique is good, I found it at Walmart. Im assuming you know this, but also be sure to avoid transfats, so try not to eat anything that has hydrogenated oils in it.
sometimes its hereditary to have high cholesterol.
My mother has high cholesterol, eats right, slim and no matter what she does her cholesterol is high, the only way to control it is through medication
1.Try taking a vitamin high in vitamin C and E. Other wonderful herbs and supplements for lowering cholesterol are Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Artichoke Leaf, Plant Sterols and Stanols, and soluable fiber.
2.Green tea has also been show to lower total cholesterol levels by decreasing LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL.
3.Increase you fiber through macadamia nuts, pecans, peanuts, and cashews.
4. You could start avoiding certain foods in your diet, such as red meat, soft drinks, cow鈥檚 milk or anything containing hydrogenated oils.
5. You should also try incorporating Red Yeast rice, which is what pharmaceutical companies make some statin drugs from.
6. Try Policosanol, which has also shown to increase the levels of HDL.
7.Try Inositol-- This is time-released niacin in the no-flush form. Niacin is a main player in cellular metabolism
You won't like any answer that does not include prescription drugs because that is all that will help-lipitor or zocor is the answer
Starvation wt. loss. Otherwise, this has been a question for many years. Since 50% of Americans die from cholesterol clogged arteries, either the heart, the brain, or kidneys, people have been searching for the magic treatment for hi cholesterol. 'Normal' cholesterol has been thought to be 180 to 210 since so many Americans have that level. However, that level may be a lethal level. In poor countries where food is not readily available like in the US, cholesterol levels are 75 -110. And they do not have MI's, strokes, and other clogged artery problems. The statins have solved hi cholesterol for many in the US. In the last couple years, Zetia has been developed. Zetia blocks the reuptake of cholesterol from the intestines into the general system, and the statins block the production of cholesterol in the liver. The death rate in the US went down by 150,000 from 2004-2005. The cause has not for sure been determined, but it very well could be from the lowered cholesterol levels from these meds. Almost all Cardiologists in America take statins and/or Zetia.
BY CITING THE OCT 2006 ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE"There is NO evidence that LDL reduction EXPLAINS these benefits" NO EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
If you have tried to lower your cholesterol naturally and it's not working, then, you will probably be advised to take cholesterol lowering medications. It may resort to that, I'm afraid. Sorry, I know you don't want to hear that. But, the decision is yours to take them or not. If you choose to not take the medication that is prescribed, then you and only you will be responsible for what ever happens to you health wise. Noncompliance is a dangerous thing. It's kind of like a diabetic who refuses to take their insulin. They end up in a diabetic coma or start losing toes and legs because of uncontrolled sugar levels. We, as health care workers can only suggest what is needed to make you healthy. We can not force you to do it thought. That is up to you. Good luck and I hope you find the answers that you are looking for.
fast niacin (B3), strong
weight lose, mild
oat bran, mild
boiled red rice, haf cup, strong
Chinese oolong tea, 1 glass, strong
Chinese dark black tea, mildexcept oat, side effect of fatige can happen to some people
tea and red rice, unchanged in thousands years, are very cheap in most Asian grocery stores.
some other plants are very delicious and can melt fat without side effect, but not for sale.

How can you left smoking & chowing tobacco?

Contact Annu Kapoor, who quit smoking after 32 years.
If you mean how can you stop smoking and chewing tobacco,
simple just stop buying them, then seek professional help if this doesn't work.
Its a matter of self discipline, if your really serious about your health it will not be difficult to left smoking for same is harming your health terribly. You will just think of the health implications that smoking can give such as hypertension, bad breath, acne and even throat and lung cancer. Off course change cannot happen overnight so you should do it gradually until you completely overcome your craving with cigarette and tobacco. Health is very important, it is something that we should enjoy everyday so quit smoking and enjoy life with good healt!

How can you increase low blood pressure?

Sometimes low blood pressure is due to low blood fluid volume. Try drinking more water so the heart actually has something to pump through the system.
With diet and exercise.
With orange juice, Honey, Coke a Cola Classic, Chocolate almost anything sweet..but those are the best.
hi, i used to have low blood pressure. my doctor gave me a sample drug used for pregnant women who would vomit. it worked. but i didnt like to take the drug. i started to fast walk for 30 to 60 minutes. took vitamins(i like green source). now i dont have that low pressure to a point i vomit. good luck
Inhale peppermint oil, diffuse in the air....helps me get going.
Drink more water, salt your food more often, get your electrolytes (mineral content of your blood) up by taking mineral supplements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium), and less stress in your life - all helps. Get kidney function checked, adrenal hormones checked to be sure that those organs are functioning properly (they affect your blood pressure).Never let yourself get dehyrated...sip water all day if you can, drinking at least 8 glasses a day.I had a blood pressure of 90/60 and raised it to 120/80 by doing the above...I wish you well!!!

How can you have a heart attack and not know it, having a defibulator/pacemaker?

You can have silent heart attacks where the pain is minimal and mimics indigestion. Also people with panic attacks often have chest pain when having an attack so they often are afaid they are having a heart attack when it is nothing more than panic but the reverse is also true. They could think it is panic when it truely is a heart attack. My best friend had a heart attack and never knew it. It was very mild and only showed up when she had an EKG done for an unrelated problem.
people assume that pacemakers will prevent heart attack and tend to ignore symptoms of a heart attack. They only regulate heart rate, if you have a blood clot that goes into the heart and kills tissue by blocking blood flow, once the tissue is dead, its dead, a pacemaker can only do so much.
It is common in people that are diabetic.
An implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) will attempt to revive you with an electric shock if you go into cardiac arrest (your heart stops beating).
This is entirely different from a heart attack or M.I. where an emboli blocks blood flow through a coronary artery.

How can you handle dark circles under your eyes?

How can you handle dark circles under your eyes?Help please!!
Thank you
I have the same problem %26 I posted the same question and here is an answer I think works:Grab a potato and peel 2 thin slices of it and put them on your dark circles for 10 mins. Afterwards, place them in the fridge for the next morning. Your dark circles will not disappear the first time, but eventually, after the weeks go by, you will notice huge differences %26 they will gradually start to diminish.Hope I've helped.
wear a ballaclava
Get proper rest, and drink lots of water and eat your greens.Or just cheat and get a good concealer
lots of light make up. There are lightening pens available from make up counters that can reverse the look. But nothing can help more than sleep.If you dont want make up then tea bags or cucumbers over your eyes puts the moisture back into the skin
Practice pranayama( breathing exercise). Your dark circles will disappear.
Look at the causes first.
..enough sleep?
..enough fluids?
..reatless sleep patterns?
Try cucumber juice, as it is cooling and soothing, and contains mild bleaching agents. Sliced cucumber kept in the fridge and placed over the eyes whilst resting in GREAT!Otherwise you could try an under eye cream that has vitamin K in it. And of course try and get more sleep.Hope this helps!
For camouflage you can't beat Yves St Laurent's 'Touche Eclat' - Boots also do their own cheaper version which is quite good - 'Instant Radiance Concealer'.
Concealer is a good make-up way, i like lemon aid by bennefit but if you don't like wearing make-up you could drink cranberry juice. Its good for detoxing and really helps with dark circles. Sleeping is also another good choice but some people are just naturally prone to dark eyes :-(
I have the same condition and i asked my doctor who told me its heredity, it`ll only appear on your face if you are tired or didn`t have enough sleep or if you don`t eat enough vegetables.
so you have to take your 9 or 8 hrs sleep and eat enough green .
Good luck
go to bed earlier nd wear a cold mask in the morning!
Try getting enough sleep, drink plenty. If all else fails buy a Rimmel Hide Away stick (covers spots and blemishes)
Wear concealer, thats what I do.

How can you get rid of varicose vein in the leg beside laser?

Surgery and several other ways. See link below.
There is an injection, that they can inject into it. Look on Web.MD.

How can you get rid of Spider vains on your legs?

I worked as a waitress for over a year and I was told that being on yoru feet all the time causes you to get spider vains on your legs. Well mine are starting to get darker and I wanted to know how to get rid of them or lighten them!
Try using a pantyhose under your uniform, some of them are designed to help with that and you can find them at any store (walt-mart, kroger, etc). If the problems is really bad then try some therapy there is places designed to teat spider vains. Check out this web site: I hope this information was usefull to you.
i got told that sitting with ur legs crossed causes spider veins so try stopping that if u do that is

How can you get rid of or control bacne (acne on back) cheaply?

I have had acne on my chest and back for almost 3 years now. It hasn't gotten any better and has got worse but not much. I also cannot consut a dermatologist because my parents and or guardians will not take me to one. Please give me advice on how I can control or get rid of this!
Proactive makes a body lotion and it works very well, I used some on my neck and back and havent had a problem since.
Ionil Plus Conditioning Shampoo Salicylic Acid Formula
Buy acne wash (like Neutrogena) and wash your back and chest with it. They also come in a soap form so that you can just use it like regular soap. You can also dab some salicylic acid (Clean %26 Clear has a good one) on the acne before going to sleep.
raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, get it at the health food store, or some super markets carry it in the health food section.
mix equal parts of vinegar with water, dab on with a cotton ball a few times a day..this should do it..

How can you get rid of ear congestion?

It depends on the cause of the blockage. If it's due to middle ear infection - otitis media - it's imperative to clear up the infection and the fluid will usually follow suit. For allergic serous otitis, control the allergies and take a decongestant, such as Sudafed. For recurrent fluid, ear tubes may be the answer. They're quick to put in, nearly always come out on their own but have some drawbacks. If the fluid is in the ear canal, a cotton ball soaked in alcohol will dry it up. It might be a good idea to have this evaluated.
hot water bottle and rub vicks around ears
Lay on your side and pour a tiny amount of rubbing alcohol in your ear. This may seem strange but it does seem to help break up some of the ear congestion. You can leave it in your ear for as long as you can stand laying on your side, although it will evaporate in a short while. Otherwise if you do not like it, have a q-tip handy.
It could be an infection which is treated with antibiotics, or simply a wax build up easily treated with waxsol drops after reading directions.The doctor has to look at this as it will only get worse no matter what the cause.

How can you cope with fibromyalgia?

鈥ee a therapist who practices Acupuncture and Neurostructural Therapy (NST or Bowen Therapy). I recommend both therapies for reducing stiffness and pain.
鈥egular exercise, no matter how little, is vital. Pilates is great and Alexander Technique helps to relieve unnecessary tension in the muscles.
鈥 calcium supplement taken at bedtime helps relax muscles and aid sleep.
鈥 have been taking Cymbalta for fibromyalgia for a couple of months. It has really helped me.
鈥hat health girl from suffered fybromyalgia for years. She has got information that worked for me. "It's all about changing your life style, girlfriend." First, go organic and make it fresh! Third, don't save it for later- eat it now, toss it or freeze it.
鈥 small dose of amytriptiline at bedtime has helped me quite a bit, but the thing that has decreased my pain more than anything is a treatment called intramuscular stimulation. It uses acupuncture needles, but is not acupunture.
Medication, meditation, and a strong will.

How can you cope with fibromyalgia?

Hi KritikaI would do either of the following for your pain: Pranic, Reiki, Healing Touch, and Therapeutic Touch, all of which can significantly improve fibromyalgia pain symptoms, and which can be taught to patients as a form of self-care, as well as being provided by professional energy healers.
Causes of Fibromyalgia
There is not one specific cause for primary fibromyalgia. Certain common features among fibromyalgia patients provide a better idea as to the primary factors that are involved in its onset, however. These include dental amalgam fillings, hormone imbalances, infection, neurotransmitter imbalances, sleep problems, problems with the thalamus gland, and physical trauma. Other factors that can play a role include chemical and food allergies and sensitivities, chronic stress, and dysfunctions in system.muscle metabolism. Conventional physicians treat fibromyalgia primarily through the use of painkiller medications. Such an approach fails to address the multiple causes of fibromyalgia, and also carries with it the risk of serious side effects. In addition, this symptom care approach is typical of conventional medicine`s failure to properly understand chronic health conditions such as fibromyalgia, which explains why it so often fails to successfully treat such conditions. Practitioners of alternative medicine, on the other hand, focus their treatment approaches on the multiple factors involved in fibromyalgia in order to eliminate them, while simultaneously stimulating the body`s ability to repair itself. What follows is an overview of some of the most common therapies they employ in order to achieve those goalsQuick Action Plan for Fibromyalgia
1. A healthy, whole foods diet is an important part of any fibromyaglia treatment program. Emphasize organic foods, especially fresh, organic vegetables, and drink plenty of pure, filtered water throughout the day. For even more benefits, consider adopting a vegetarian diet, which has been shown to significantly reduce fibromyalgia symptoms.2. Essential nutrients to help treat fibromyalgia include vitamin C, vitamin E, niacinimide (vitamin B3), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA-an essential fatty acid), magnesium, selenium, zinc, and the lipotrophic factors inositol, methionine, and phosphatidyl choline. The nutritional supplements cetyl myristoleate and SAMe are also highly beneficial, as it the Meyers Cocktail, which must be administered by a trained health care practitioner.3. Herbal remedies for fibromyalgia include cayenne and chamomile. An herbal combination of tinctures of black cohosh, celery, dandelion, devil`s claw, Echinacea, and licorice in equal parts, can also be helpful.4. Homeopathic remedies for fibromyalgia include Arnica, Bryonia, and Rhus. Tox.5. Various bodywork therapies, such as Massage, Acupressure, Bowen Therapy, Feldenkrais, myotherapy, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Therapeutic Touch, and Trigger Point Therapy, can provide significant relief of fibromyalgia pain and speed healing.6. Mind/body medicine therapies such as biofeedback, guided imagery and visualization, hypnotherapy, and meditation, can help relieve chronic stress, thereby soothing muscle tension and reducing pain7. Be sure to do a colon and liver cleanse to clean out the toxins in the colon and the blood. Most important step is cleansing and detoxifying the body.Best of health to both of you
I work with dozens of clients who have found relief for their symptoms of fibromyalgia through specific nutrient intake. Other activities like yoga and deep breathing exercises have also been shown to be beneficial.
I definitely agree that you should seek treatments that western medicine doesn't really deal with. I am really into Chinese medicine and massage, I believe that with the knowledge and right tools a person can bring them self to a state where they have little or no pain. Seek the help of a holistic doctor or a really good massage therapist. I hear that acupuncture is really beneficial also.
fibromyalgia is the first stage of indicating the problem in the muscle which may later leads to weakness, degeneration of the responsible joint or some times fibrositis..
The best managment is proper resting of the joint acted by the particular muscle.. hotpacks.. if not better please meet a profesional physiotherapist .. he is the right person than any other in the medical field
Drink Noni herbal fruit juice twice a day on empty stomach with water or milk.
You must treat the symptoms; learn to relax, eat healthy,have a positive attitude. Learn what I can do instead of what I use to do.

How can we test our drinking water at home?

to kwow for bacteria inside
with PH level meters
there is no sure fire way for this but if u go to the chemists they may be able to tell u a range of products that will help with this task

How can we prevent the childhood malnutrition, Kwashiorkor?

Hope you guys can provide as many preventions as possible. (: Thanks in advance!
provide children variety of africa, kids eat mainly cassava thats why they're malnourish. in asia poor community eat instant noodles everyday...thse food do not contain proper nutrients our body needs everyday.also lack of fuel (firewood) causes malnutrition because thay have to eat food raw

How can we have a cold at all ?

The average healthy person won't get a lot of viral infections, but simple, preventable things like stress and a poor diet can hamper the immune system's ability to combat viruses.
Easy, you don't wash your hands enough.

How can we cure an smelly feet?

best option is to the following
1) Dip some used tea bags in warm water.When to color turns dead brown, remove the teabags and soak your feetin it for 20 mins alterante days.It gets rid of the smell.
It worked for me!!
Wash them more often
Try soaking them in foot soap and then using a foot powder to absorb any wetness...let your feet breath when socks, slippers or shoes on your feet...
Scrub them good when you're in the shower and make sure you wear socks when wearing sneakers.
One way to cure stinky feet is too rub any mint toothpaste on them and let it sit for a minute or 2, then rinse them off. But if its really bad...maybe you should go see a doctor. GOOD LUCK
I can't tell you wat is the medication to cure.Wat i did with mine was going to the beach and walk bare foot and playing in the sea. Somehow, after a few months, I do not have smelly feet anymore.
Wash your feet, use clean socks, dont wear your shoes without socks.
soak it in dethol. it worked for my dad:)

How can we combat worldwide AIDs?

Most of the world already knows, the prob is they arent using the resources that they have. I know the third world countries arent as fortunate as maybe U.K. or the states, but we are pumping knowledge and funds to them to get them help. We as a human race need to get it together and start using the think on our neck to make decisions, instead of the other parts!
Quit being sluts!!! ahah
In my opinion, we can definitely combat and even eliminate AIDS by of course abstaining from polygamous relationship.

How can unbalanced diet contribute to coeliac disease?-have spend hours researching & im not having much luck?

this is wot ive got so far-but i need enough for two sides of a4-and i have curently only got enough for half a side: Coeliac disease can be kept under control and further problems prevented by completely eliminating gluten and related proteins from the diet. Supplements of vitamins and minerals may also need to be taken for a short time to counter-act any previous deficiencies. There is a good range of gluten-free foods available as well as recipe books.
Improvements begin within days of starting a gluten-free diet. The small intestine is usually completely healed in 3 to 6 months; individuals start to regain lost weight and are able to lead a normal and healthy life.
Patients are advised to see a dietician for guidance on foods that are gluten-free and to monitor their progress carefully. Foods that contain wheat, barley and rye should be avoided. There is growing evidence that most adults with moderate coeliac disease can eat oats.
No, coeliac disease( or gluten enteropathy) is an inherited condition, there is no definitive way to stop the disease developing. The sensitivity to the protein gluten is inherited though it can be of variable severity. If gluten is eaten the bowel becomes damaged and fails to absorb vitamins and nutrients properly.
You need to search the professional medical databases for accredited research.Try proquest, cinahl, pubmed, cochrane library, dept of health, world health organisation, and some NHS sites will have links to professional databases too.Just google the names and you will find them.
You can go into the statistics about 1 in 133 Americans having the gene that causes it and also that it is more common in those of N. European ancestry. In Italy, children have to have celiac test to go to kindergarten. In Denmark, most eating establishments routinely bring two menus, the celiac and the regular. Another thing to write about is how it affects unborn babies and how it is he # 1 cause of failure to thrive in babies and toddler.The details of all this can be found online. Good Luck and God Bless
There are more coeliacs in Celtic countries. It can lie dormant for years before flaring up and becoming a problem,My husband is 62 and just been diagnosed. He has been coeliac all his life but symptoms have just become unbearable. He is now controlled, it is incurable but controllable with a strict diet. Oats should only be eaten if grown away from other cereals. Folic acid needs to e taken in tablet form,
Bone density and bone loss can be a problem, calcium may be needed by some people. Skimmed milk should drunk as it is higher in calcium than either full or half cream.

How can u tell if you have a enlarged heart without xray?

Clinically by 1. Inspection 2. palpation and 3. auscultation of the precordial region of the chest.By EKG and Ultrasound examination a very accurate assesment of the degree of enlargement is obtained.Hope this answers your question.
i wasted my time answering this gay question
An enlarged heart can be detected clinically directly by:Displaced apex beat
Enlarged "scratch test" There are other things to look for which amount to circumstantial evidence of enlarged heart - ie. signs of heart failure.Apex beat - see the wiki pageThe scratch test is a set of little known clinical tests out of favour these days purely because of inconsistency.It relies on the physics phenomenon that sound is transmitted through solids best, liquids less so, and gas quite poorly.To do a scratch test measurement of the heart - place the stethoscope at the base of the heart and lightly scratch the skin above the apex beat. You should be able to hear the scratching sound. Move laterally and scratch and continue to do so until the scratching is no longer heard. This is the lateral border of the heart (approximately). Now place the stethoscope there and listen for the scratch at the base of the heart and continue medially until you find the medial border. This is an approximation of the heart size. It would generally be considered enlarged if it is bigger than 1/2 the total width of the chest.However it is quite inaccurate (not to mention somewhat embarrassing to perform on female patients). The inaccuracy arises from the fact that many underlying structures (eg ribs, pericardial effusion) may also transmit the sound well and give an erroneous impression of enlarged heart size.CXR would be the simplest and most accurate way to measure the heart size. An ECG is another inexpensive way to detect enlargement of the heart (EKG for the Yanks).Other tests (which are more expensive and specialized) can do the same - eg. ECHOcardiography, CT or MRI of the chest, nuclear medical scans etc. CXR would be preferred.The auscultation of a heart murmur does not equate to cardiomegaly.
Obviously you would know if it was bulging out of your chest.
When your heart hurts and it feels too big for your chest
Get an echocardiogram, it will show if you have one. Our best friend died instantly from an enlarged heart that he never knew he had. He was 36.
A heart Murmur , heard with a stethoscope
Symptoms of an enlarged heart are, shortness of breath, exercise intolerance, swollen ankles, feet, and hands. An enlarged heart dosen't pump effectively, so fluids gather at dependent places (feet) quickly.

How can u cure a fever ??

my sister which is 12 yrs old already took motrin abiut 4 times and then took advil twice.the fever goes down for about 3,4,or 5 hours and then it comes back.she missed school today and half of yesterday and she does not wanna miss mom keeps giving her soup so she'll get better but it doesnt work. her throat also hurts alot and she keeps coughing and has a runny nose. how can she get better? (and she doesnt wanna go to the doctor bc the doctor will just tell her to stay home again.)
Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen are all the same drug. Make sure she's not taking the same thing under a different name. Don't give Aspirin to anyone with a fever, it's linked to a serious illness. You could try alternating her Ibuprofen with Tylenol, like Ibuprofen at noon, Tylenol at 3pm. But, make sure you're not giving her over the counter products that have Tylenol in them, many of the cold medicines do. Like Cold and sinus products, check the label, and if it says :Acetaminophen, that's Tylenol.
Drinki plenty of liquids, have you ever tried Cold EEze, or Zicam. Those really help if you use them at the beginning of a cold, but it doesn't help the flu. She can try gargling with salt water, just a little bit in warm water, or Listerene. Basically, if she's not better in a couple of days, or gets worse, she probably needs to be seen to make sure it's not strep throat. Good luck, hope she feels better soon!
You can't cure any of the symptoms you've described - they are just symptoms of an underlying illness - probably a viral upper respiratory tract infection. She's already doing the right thing - rest, lots of fluids, and symptomatic relief with medications like ibuprofen/diphenhydramine/pseu... I know its frustrating to stay home - but better she be at home than infecting other people!
The important thing with a fever is that you have to bring the body core temperature down, if she has the chills it is important not to put too many clothes or too many blankets that feeds the fever, drink plenty of fluids and keep the room temp down. She may have tonsilitis, but it is better to see the doctor she may need a prescription. Good luck

How can the plasma triglycerides concentration continue to be elevated despitew the very low fat diet?

High triglycerides aren't high due to fat, they're high due to carbohydrates (simple sugars and complex sugars like carbs). A lower carb lower sugar diet will help with this. They can also be linked to diabetes so you might want to get your blood sugar tested. Increase omega 3 consumption also (with flax or fish oil or by eating more fish or nuts) and get more fiber. This will help not only with triglycerides but with general health.Drugs may be needed if a change in diet doesn't help, but you should try a low carb diet first. Genetics will always play a part in health.
Actually there is a condition famillial hypertriglycerdemia which is gentic %26 inspite of diet control one may have elevated TG. They r synthesized in liver cells from complex Carbohydrate in this condition %26 so drug treatment is essent ial.

How can someone who is a hunchback (I think the medical condition is called cyphosis) be cured? Thanks!?

It doesn't necessarily imply it's me :)
Hello Christian...
Yes a hunchback can generally have a solution for this problem by the surgery,it can change the shape of backbone hunchback in a correct shape to avoid all dangers....
I advise you to consult an orthopedist ...
Good health and I advise you to keep the correct shape always (not to be hunchbacked in front of the computer or when you write...)..
Good luck...
Your friend Naoula ...
you can't! but you can prevent it from happening by taking bone medication.
It can't be cured. You can make an asserted effort to always walk straight, but it doesn't come naturally to some people.
See an orthopedic surgeon for advice. May be that nothing can be done, but they are the ones who can tell you.

How can some Diabetics keep their sugar normal?

I have Family members with this disease and was wondering if there was a diet or something that would help.
Management of diabetes is achieved through diet, exercise, portion control and medication.There is no one size fits all treatment.
The most important part of managing diabetes is education. This is a patient controlled disease.The doctor, dietitian and diabetes educator are parts of your treatment team. YOU are in charge.
Encourage your family members to become educated by reading diabetes publications written in the past five years.There are magazines and books .They could join a support group and make new friends.
Good luck.
obvious answer: low sugar. not so obvious answer: low carb. Carbs turn into sugars when they are eaten in excess.. They can also get blood monitors that only require a small amount of blood to be used and can elp them stay on track with their new eating style
You can find some very useful nutritional and dietary information at the ADA website: You can also speak with a registered dietitian at the local hospital. Best of luck! Hope this helps!

How can people get chronic airways disease if they do not smoke and are not around people that smoke?

My mother has been diagnosed with chronic airways disease but has never smoked or been around much smoking. She had bronchitis in December and still has a dry cough occasionally which sometimes causes her to wheeze for a few minutes. Is chronic airways disease related to bronchitis. Does it have the same symptoms and will it go away in time?
To get Respiratory Diseases you don't need to be a smoker. Everyone can get those diseases, only if you smoke the likelyhood to get such diseases ist higher.
Because it just is not true that only smokers get these diseases and it is also not true that all smokers will get sick. My aunt died of lung cancer that spread to her brain. She never smoked a cigarette in her life and was not around anyone who did.
Best wishes to your mom. I hope she gets better!
There are several types of COPD that are not related to smoking.Asthma,bronchitis,emph... to name a few.COPD can be managed with medication and inhalation type treatments.Take care. SW RNP
With any chronic illness, it has the opportunity of showing up at any susceptible time. Sometimes a bad bout of flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia can lead to permanent tissue scarring in the bronchi and lungs. These scars can cause inflammation, that in turn, helps to produce mucus that irritates the lung. You can get lung disease from any number of things: cotton mills(brown lung), coal mines(black lung), allergy induced asthma, pollution, using wood heaters, kerosine heaters, exhaust, etc.
24% to 27% of the people that have lung disease never smoked A few have inherrited it.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,senorita linda;;;;chronic airway disease is often aggravated/caused by allergic reaction to ,,,,,,,,,foods,,,,,,,,chemical... mites,,,,,,,mold,,,,pollen,,,,... human body is imbued with 80 000 000 000 immune cells ,they float in your blood,ready like soldiers to deal death dealing cytokines,phagocytoxic gulps to invading bacteria,viruses,,,if they need reinforcements,they tear off a tiny chunk of pathogen tissue ,and carry this to the lymph glands,telling the body to produce a fever,followed by millions off additional white cells(antibodies from bone ,,,b cells ,,,,,or thymus cells,,,,,,t cells).,,,your moms difficulty is cells lining her airways furiously to critters that cause little reaction in other are prone to giving her an inhaler with immune suppressing drugs( just read the list of side effects)other techniques are to eliminate the items described above.A typical reaction to egg protein(apart from classical airway collapse,shock ,racing heartbeat,etc) is a slow burn bronchial hoarsness %26 slight sore throat starting 4 to 18 hours after eating one egg.the green phlegm indicates some dead antibodies that accumulate in the airway,then are eliminated by cilia,tiny hairs which line the lung %26 windpipe and sweep the phlegm out,suggestion here is to pay careful attention to house cleaning,wood floors instead of carpets,no pets. keep a diary of everything mom eats(noting ingredients,cooking oils additives)clean air conditioning ducts,also use a fine microfilter type filter for the unit.commence to determine if foods are a factor by challenging her ,one food at a time,noting her pulse before and after.( a speeded up pulse means an offending food has produced a system reaction)some items in her diet might be causative in her illness,and finding the culprit could help her improve quite a bit.all this is time consuming and most doctors don't consider this stuff as worthwhile.its my opinion that doctors who don'.t are lazy,exemplary of the other epidemic of addhd,The doctors whose approaches described here are called clinical ecologists( mds %26 other health pros who practice per auspices of the american academy of environmental medicine)they are not recognized by insurance companies or mainstream medical folks.have your mom do as her doc tells her,find out about the other stuff,and if she improves a lot taker to the docs office ,you with a camcorder,show the doc your new and improved mom,ask the doc for his answer,and broadcast the answer over u-tube,and keep us posted at the university of yahoo

How can one get rid of burns in inner thighs caused by skin rubbing against each other?

You absolutely do not have to be overweight to have this problem! I would try vaseline and than baby power over it to keep it more comfortable. Something good to do is to make that area more into muscle, use a thigh master or any other equipment that tones the inside thighs. Also walking will really help if you don't feel that motivated.
Wear clothes that won't allow that.
The only way is to lose weight your inner thighs are not meant to rub. You could try using vasoline so that there would be less friction.
desitin and lose weight
lose weight
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh.. lose weight???
You must lose weight! Nothing will keep the friction from causing irritation! Or you will have to wear a leg spreader brace, like for children with club feet. I can't think of anything else to help. Good luck!
powder works for babys :)
Gold Bond or baby powder
I'd suggest you go to a pharmacy. Something in the E45 range might be useful. We've used this when my daughter had the same problem.I've just read the messages that suggest you have a weight problem, I know from experience as a walker that you don't have to be overweight to suffer from these burns. At 5' 9" and weighing 136 lbs I still got them. Use powder to prevent them.
i know i get so pissed when this happens.these are options
A)lose abit of weight B)talcum powder is not bad but needs reappliance C)vasiline is gud but its sticky.
Hey, lots of girls have that problem and they're not overwieght. Try using aloe for the current burn. There is a lotion specifically made for this. Sorry, I can't think of the name, but you can get at the grocery store.

How can naturotherapy cure cancer?

There is no cure for cancer. Be suspicous of any treatment that makes wild claims that cannot provide documented scientific evidence for proof. There may be a place in healing for complementary medicine, but at the moment the failure of many of these alternatives to document evidence should make anyone suspicious. There are some legitimate researchers investigating claims but they are mostly in the early stages. The only treatment for the majority of cancers is by tradional means. We know it can work, we know the safety levels and associated risks, and we know that some people respond and some people don't with. We know the risks. The good, bad, and ugly of tradional medicine is there in all scientific literature for anyone to read.
i dont believe it actually can.
It is unfortunate, but there are no natural substances out there that can cure cancer at this time. Cancer is, simply put, an uncontrolled cell growth. There is nothing except for agressive drug therapy, and radiation treatments that can stop this growth from occuring.If you or a loved one have been recently diagnosed, please dont wait and hold out for a "natural" cure. The longer you wait the more of a risk you have of seeing this cancer metastasize or get out of control. Time is absolutley essential when dealing with cancer.
look the Dr find out the cure for cancer but on sudden stages it does not get cure
There is no cure for cancer... even in allopathic medical science... being one in naturopathy or yoga...? Question doesn鈥檛 arise...
the method of treatment in alternative medicine i.e. ayurveda have 3 basic principal: 1. Nidana Parivarjana - the avoidence of causative factor. 2. Prakati Vighata - developement of unfavorbal condition for dividing / multiplying cells in body. and killing the cell 3. Apakarshana - removing the dead or wrankage of cell out of the body. for these purpose a number of process require i.e. kshara, agnikarma, surgery, panchakarma, medicated fastingh. you may see some details basic principle of cancer treatment at
Naturopathy will not cure cancer, unfortunately you will find naturopaths who would like to differ.
They have vested interestsLike the one above "Dr Sanjay S", he is shamelessly advertising his website

How can my cat and allergic wife live together?

Keep the cat indoors. Your wife is probably allergic to the pollen inyour cat's coat.
You brush the cat yourself, away from your wife.
Your wife can see her doctor about injections that desensitize her to cat dander.
Good luck!!!
have your wife go see a doctor and get on medication
It all depends on how allergic she is. My allergies are rather uncomfortable but not dangerous. When I need to be around cats for an extended period of time, I take antihistamines for a couple or three weeks and then gradually wean myself off them, building up a resistance to being around the cats. If your wife is dangerously allergic, talk to a doctor before trying anything like that. If her allergies aren't dangerous, she may want to give it a try.Another thing I do is brush the cats well and often. If the loose hair is ending up in the trash, it can't bother me.
You can keep the cat outside, shave it, or let it have it's own room.(Our house has three bedrooms, so the cat has her own.)
Take baby wipes and make her wipe it over her face. thats right, baby wipes temeperalory stops the allergic reactions. Trust me.
Get rid of the cat.
With allergy meds!!
Unless you want your wife to be on medication that will eventually have side effects, they can't. Sorry. I've been in this situation before. Keeping the cat indoors could kill her if she has a severe allergy. Otherwise, if it is just uncomfortable, get her to take a vitamin C supplement with high dose quercetin. (I usually take 600mg quercetin if I have been anywhere that a cat has been. It usually starts to work in around 20 mins).That said, for some reason I don't react to my cat and I've only had him 10 months and he's 7 years maybe she'll adjust.Vaccuum regularly, don't let the cat sleep with you, keep windows open to ventilate, buy an air purifier.
they can't - I'm allergic to cats and my throat almost swelled up and I couldn't breath so if you want to keep your wife - get rid of the cat or if you don't want to keep your wife - you know what you can do. Never mess around with allergies - they can be fatal.
Allergies are the bodies over reaction to what it thinks is an infection. when one takes allergy injections, they are really taking a very diluted dose of the very thing that gives them allergies, over time, this tells the body that what it thinks is an infection is actually just pollen. Eventually over a long term exposure to the cat your wife immune system may actually get used to the cat and no longer give her a problem... but always be on the look out for the opposite effect to happen which is never good. Check out the link below for some suggestions on how to live with the cat and actions you can take to reduce her exposure.
IF your wife wants to live with the cat I once knew of an acupuncturist that would treat for an allergy to a specific cat. You could look into it. I am personally allergic to cats and have not tried it. Personally, I don't think cats are worth it! : P
It depends on how severe her allergy is. My aunt is so allergic that even smelling my clothes after I've been around my cat will give her an allergic reaction. I live with my cat, which i keep indoors, and i take to prescription pills everyday and prescription eye drops, and i don't even notice that I'm allergic. She made not need this much, because i also have 3 dogs which I'm also allergic to. She could also try getting an allergy test, the slower the bubble on her arms goes up, the less she is affected by the cats. When i got mine, my went up very slowly and then went back. Vacuuming everyday, brushing the cat a lot, and giving it bath (the cats get use to it after about 2-3 times) will also help.

How can i whiten my buttocks?

I have a problem regarding my's kinda dark and has a pimple-like underneath. that's why I couldn't wear my favorite two piece. please help me. it's kinda embarrasing! they told me that the pimple-like thing is due to some hair follicles that was caused by heat coz with the clothes i wear--what's the real cause why I have those? thanks, help!
Massage, loose some weight, its due to lack of oxygen in the skin, fat blocks blood from fully reaching those areas.Massage, exfoliate and hydrate EVERYDAY. But before starting all this I would have a mild chemical peel.Hope you look gorgeous.
I think maybe you should go to a skin specialist to get the pimple things checked out but i dont know how you're going to make it white you could go michael jackson style and bleach your but
haha warty!!!
Sit in a bucket of acid
They are right, the little bumps are probably infected ingrown hairs. They could also be heat bumps, from when you sweat and your skin rubs together, or your pants rub against your skin, if you wear thongs. Use powder to soak up moisture and put neosporin on the bumps. Try to wear cotton panties until they clear up. As far as your rear end being dark, I'm not sure what to do about that. I've heard of something called anal bleaching, but I don't know anything about it.
sheep after-birth is known for helping NATURALLY whiten skin. Wont your butt pimples heal? Do you know what Addison's disease is? Look into it :)
can't tell without a picture
yes its caused by heat and sweat reacting on the pores and hair follicles, you can mix a tablespoon of lemonjuice with a cup of cold cream, just any dollar store cold cream will do, that will gently bleach the skin while you sleep and it should dry up the zit too. really tight pants or undies will cause that, or wearing polyester that doesnt breathe.

How can I understand the situation on this urine test result?

If the urine test result is showing that urine albumin is605.1 mg/g, how can I understand the situation on this urine test result? Can anyone who is familar with urine test can tell me the situation??
In general, this test result is showing protein (albumin) in your urine. Signs of albumin in the urine of a diabetic patient is often viewed as potential kidney disease, meaning that it is suspected the diabetes has affected the functioning of the kidneys. Your doctor may order additional testing of urine and blood, including a 24-hour urine collection (if this is not a reading from a 24-hour collection already). I've been through this process a few times myself, as my kidneys succumbed to diabetes and to harsh antibiotics used to treat CMV pneumonia, and I've had two separate transplants. Hope this helps!
You will need a doctor to interpret this result for you. It can be something temporary or it can be an indication that something is wrong. Here is an excerpt from a good website that explains how one result can mean very many things.
Urine albuminNormal Values:
The normal values for a spot check is approximately 0 to 8 mg/dl, or less than 30 mg/d of albumin (the major circulating serum protein).For a 24 hour test, the normal is150mg/24 hr under normal circumstances.Note: mg/dl = milligrams per deciliter; mg/24 hr = milligrams per 24 hours; mg/d = milligrams per day
What abnormal results mean:
Abnormal results may mean an increase in urine protein, and this may indicate: * Amyloidosis
* Bacterial pyelonephritis
* Bladder tumor
* Congestive heart failure (inadequately perfusing the kidneys)
* Diabetic nephropathy
* Glomerulonephritis
* Goodpasture's syndrome
* Heavy metal poisoning
* Lupus erythematosus
* Malignant hypertension
* Multiple myeloma
* Nephrotic syndrome
* Nephrotoxic drug therapy
* Polycystic kidney disease
* PreeclampsiaAdditional conditions under which the test may be performed: * Acute nephritic syndrome
* Complicated UTI (pyelonephritis)
* Eclampsia
* Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)
* Interstitial nephritis
* Medullary cystic disease
* Membranoproliferative GN I
* Membranoproliferative GN II
* Membranous nephropathy
* Necrotizing vasculitis
* Post-streptococcal GN
* Rapidly progressive (crescentic) glomerulonephritis
* Reflux nephropathy
* Renal vein thrombosis
* Rocky mountain spotted fever
What the risks are:
There are no risks.
Special considerations:
Interfering factors: * Severe emotional stress
* Strenuous exercise
* Radiopaque contrast media within 3 days
* Urine contaminated with vaginal secretionsDrugs that can increase measurements include acetazolamide, aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, cephalosporins, colistin, griseofulvin, lithium, methicillin, nafcillin, nephrotoxic drugs (such as arsenicals, gold salts), oxacillin, penicillamine, penicillin G, phenazopyridine, polymyxin B, salicylates, sulfonamides, tolbutamide, and viomycin.
This type of testing is used to detect protein in the urine, to help evaluate and monitor kidney function, and to help detect and diagnose early kidney damage and disease. A dipstick urine protein is performed routinely as part of a urinalysis. It is used to screen the general population for the presence of protein in the urine. If slight to moderate amounts of protein are detected, then another urinalysis and dipstick protein may be performed at a later time to see if there is still protein in the urine or if it has dropped back to undetectable levels. If there is a large amount of protein in the first sample and/or the urine persists in the second sample, then the doctor may order a 24-hour urine protein as a follow-up test. Since the dipstick primarily measures albumin, the 24-hour urine protein test also may be ordered if a doctor suspects that proteins other than albumins are being released.
Ask your doctor for a Liver Panel, will include Albumin and other liver panels like ALT, AST, to see if your liver is also releasing this type of protein.
I would highly recommend for your to follow up with your doctor and to do additional blood work or perhaps he/she can refer you to an urologyst or gastroentrerologyst.

How can I treat whiteheads at home??

and ya is there any way to remove newly appeared moles??
at home....
go to a dermotologist for the moles, don't mess with them..for your face...
raw unpasturized apple cider vinegar..
the following 2 testimonials can be seen at
Angelina O, has found that applying ACV topically to her face several times a day (4 or more times) has cured her of a "very bad complexion". She reports that she applies it straight and that while it burns her skin a bit, it still works like a miracle!
Cheryl writes, "My daughter developed a case of moderate acne, and after trying a number of different things for over a year which helped very little or not at all, she started drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day and applying it topically once at night. She has been acne free for two months. It took about three weeks to clear
you can get it at the health food store, or in some super marktet health food sections.
good luck
Wash your face with an antibacterial soap and keep your hands off your face. As for moles don't mess with them they are for a Doctors attention.
i dont know about moles but for blackheads take sugar salt and lemon juice and rub it on your area of blackheads

How can I treat the stretch marks I have ???

I'm not a fat person I'm only 110 pounds I have stretch marks on my bottom
Try Cocoa Butter or a cream made to remove it like this one
Use coco butter, trust me I'm studying health occupations, the coco butter has nutrients that will get rid of those stretch marks.
Try rennaisance body cream...I heard it works well. Otherwise, "Scar Away" and Shea butters are good. Also, avoid hot baths and rubbing alcohol on the afflicted are.
Cocoa butter. Put it on at least twice a day. You have to keep up with it. That's what I use.
shea buter, coco butter, aloe vera, vitamin E
Shea butter lotion, cocoa butter lotion...any thing that has a natural and deep moisturizing quality. They will never go away completely but you can slightly minimize the look of the stretch marks.
My daughter got them because she grew alot (she is thin too)...but the skin couldn't take the rate of growth. She feels so embarrassed...but it is a fact of life and happens to be a lot more common.
Gottta love hormones!
you would not believe how easy it is to get rid of them my mother in law she is very old now told me how to get rid of them i didnt beleive her until i did it and i was amazed i had them in my lower back and sides after the birth of my children. and they are gone completely i didnt do around my belly button cuz my husband couldnt stand the smell and just told me he didnt care just leave the marks there so i did.
any kind of cocoa butter lotions and if you go to a new baby store they have lots of stretch mark reducing creams.
Vitamin E oil or cream can be applied to the skin in the affected areas, every day . The cream should be applied overnight. Taking Vitamin E capsules also helps to reduce the scars or stretch marks. You can find more cheap and natural remedies for stretch marks at the link below.

How can i treat my stretch mark and lose skin coz of pregnancy?

loose skin maybe eliminated thru exercise, but unfortunately, there is yet to be a solution for stretch marks. seriously. there's none. not even lazer surgery can remove them, the skin streches to its limit due to the enlargement of the stomach during preganacy and leaves unsightly stretch marks that are impossible to treat. i'm sorry.
I found that coca butter helps the apperence of stretch marks. also doing exercises for that area will help tighten it up.
Palmers scar serum is the best but if you cant get that, get vitamin E tablets and perce them with a pin and put the oil on the stretch marks
Remove Stretch Marks
If you鈥檇 like to remove stretch marks caused from pregnancy, body building or growth spurts, and expensive and painful laser or general surgery isn鈥檛 desired, Tummy Honey or Stretch Out CREAM is an excellent option. These creams include a key plant extract called Darutoside, or Siegesbeckia Orientalis, which has been clinically proven to remove stretch marks. While no cream will remove stretch marks 100% (even if they claim they do), our Tummy Honey and Stretch Out Cream will remove stretch marks as much as 70% or more after 30-90 days of use. Tummy Honey and Stretch Out Cream help remove stretch marks regardless of how long they鈥檝e been there, but results may vary from 30-70% fading, which is excellent.
Ecercise may or may not hel with loose skin... in my case it did not. Vitamin e oil rubbed on daily did help quite a bit. Strivectin is amazing for stretch marks. It really works.
Girl! I have the perfect solution for you. I have two children who contributed to my many stretch marks and loose, hanging skin (not pretty, I know). Arbonne has an awesome body serum and hydrating body lotion to help with this specific need. Many people will tell you that there is no solution to your problem. However, there are products that you can use that will decrease the appearance of stretch marks and help with toning and firming your skin. You want to use a beneficial water based product that will penetrate your pores and deeply condition and hydrate your skin with natural ingredients to lighten your stretch marks. Products containing mineral oil sit on the top layer of your skin and get wiped off over time giving you little to no benefit. Arbonne has an amazing body serum and hydrating body lotion that are botanically based and perfect for stretch marks, pregnancy masks, and firming. They are specifically formulated to help with this problem. I've seen really awesome results on my stretch marks around my upper hips and thighs after having my two children. It's really helped to visible tone that area as well. I have some great before and after photos to show you if you're interested. I would be happy to send you a free sample if you're open to giving it a try.

How can i tell when a friend is about to have a diabetic reaction?

What symptoms or signs?
Which type of diabetic reaction? High sugar levels are harder to detect because you don't really show any signs or symptoms at first. I can tell when my sugar levels are high because I have to use the restroom every 15-30 minutes, I get really tired, and my vision will get blurry. But this isn't something that anyone else is able to detect.
Low blood sugar levels however are much easier to detect. The person may shake, become very irritable, confused. The symptoms of hypoglycemia often mimic those of a drunk person.
You can find the answers to all of your questions at the American Diabetes Association website:
look at american diabetic a ssociation web
Typically they will start sweating, looking a little white, and might get shaky. The best bet is to quickly give them some orange juice if it is available. They might also have some glucose tablets if they typically get lows.Good luck.
Low - mood swings, irritability, exhaustion, dopiness.High - extreme thirst, complaining of "cotton-mouth", urinating lots, mood swings, irritation, exhaustion.

How can I tell what the canker like sores on my testicle are?

Without going to a doctor, how can i tell what the canker like sores are on my testicle?
I have had a irritating rash for a few days on my left testicle. I have noticed that only when I first get out of the shower, I notice what appears to be three or four canker type sores that appear on the infected area. The canker sores immediately go away after getting out of the shower, and just an irritated area remains. i have been using ketoconozole cream on the infected area and I have been diagnosed with jock itch and fungus which i have been treating for about a week. At first, i thought maybe the jock itch or fungus spread to my testicle and that the cream would help. It appears to help, but I noticed the canker sores again last night after getting out of the shower. Not sure if it could be irritated by the soap im using or what? I have no other symptoms. I have only been with one partner in the past 21 days. What could this be? My partner does have a bad yeast infection currently.
sounds like you got a yeast infection on your nuts....good God! Maybe you should give up on this chick and become gay.
I would never waste any time getting to a Dr. if I had what you are describing. Another 'cause' could be that your shorts are rubbing against your skin too much. You could try wearing the type that do not fit so tightly, and see if that helps. It really can help, many times.

How can i tell my mom about my chest and back acne?

please help me, i've had back and chest acne for like 2 years now and i really need to get rid of it because in 3 months im going to a water park and i really dont want to have this problem while im there. how can i tell my mom about it and what are some good things that will help it go away?
How old are you?? There are a number of serious conditions that a rash on the chest or back can be indicative of. You really NEED to have this checked out by a doctor. SOON!!
go to a doctor! "Mom, I have some acne on my back, do you think you coudl take me to the doctor or look at ti?"
I don't understand why there'd be any problem telling your mom. She's your mom, it's her job to listen to these things. Ask her to take you to a doctor and maybe s/he can prescribe a good skin cream.
just tell her.
she should understand.
i know i would.
just be honest, its always the answer! :)
Just tell your mom, she will be understanding. Tell her that you need to go to the dermatologist really badly and he will take care of it. He will give you Bacitracin (an ointment for it to put on at night) and differen (a clear ointment to put on during the day , plus he will give you anti biotics. Also, in the mean time, drink loads of water. Try to wear loose fitting clothes, no jewelry, go to bed topless and with clean sheets every week, no touching the acne, use lever 2000, buy salisaylic acid in the drug store, if you are old enough go tanning, no makeup or lotion on the area, and wash area 3 times a day.
Listen, I use "Proactiv" solution. It is a 3 step process that cures acne and all you have to do is buy the kit wherever they sell it. It will clear up acne quickly. Sometimes just in 1/2 of a week, I see great results. Remember!!!! Don't Wait until the last minute to use it. Use it when you first get it to see how fast it clears you up and plan for your schedule when to use it.Hope I helped ^_^.
get some raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, mix with water, equal parts, and dab on the acne a few times a day..
tell your mom...she can take you to the health food store, the quart of vinegar is about 5 bucks..

How can I tell if my asthma has turned into Emphysema?

Asthma does not turn into Emphysema. They are two different, but similar me and I'll give you my real email; we'll talk.
Get to a pulmanologist for hair splitting difference 24% of the folks that have emphysema/COPD never smoked
A few were born with it.
Asthma does not and cannot turn into Emphysema. They are two different diseases. Asthma is a restrictive lung disease and Emphysema is an obstructive lung disease.
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